This paper presents the application of technology-enabled learning using blended learning pedagogy for undergraduate Business Communication (GT00503) subject of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). With the objective of maximizing student engagement in sustained learning experiences, careful planning, and preparation of the assessments, activities, and contents to match the learning outcomes was undertaken. Slide presentations, videos, and articles were uploaded using the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) SMART2 platform. Online lecture, quizzes, and forum discussions were administered to assess students’ engagement and performance. Through the online course forums, interactions between student-to-student and student-to-teacher were made possible to validate students’ understanding of the subject.
This extended abstract was submitted for the Technology-Enabled Learning Carnival 2019 (TELC 2019) competition, organised by Pusat e-Pembelajaran (PEP), UMS. Entitled “From Traditional to Blended Learning: Increasing Student Engagement”, this paper presents our innovations in teaching and learning, in line with the Carnival’s objective of sharing ideas and enhancing quality teaching. The paper won the SILVER award in this competition.