Water resources issues within the campus had been mentioned a lot within students
group due to relevant cases happened in UMS hostel. The issues had been discussed
were because of water shortages and low purity water in student’s hostel. Thus, the
cases had seriously influenced the student’s daily life in hostel as water resources play
an important role. Besides that, the issues had sustained for many years with no
resolving on this problem. So, IoT based water level and pH monitoring system had
come to mind and while conduct the project, utilization techniques and skills must adopt
based on the student’s hostel information. Furthermore, this project aimed to design and
develop monitoring system by reading the water level and pH value via sensors. For the
water level sensor is focusing on alert message which trigger the message with certain
level while the pH reader will read the pH value in water to able to do prediction and
reports. Plus, the raspberry pi 3 will be core of this project as to implement the system,
power supply and able to show or read data from the sensors. This project will be
conducted with rapid prototyping methodology as it is a model has the phases that able
to build, test and reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is achieved. It is
an iterative, trial-and-error process that take place, so it is more about bandwidth
management to show that the process is beginning and conducted. After that, testing
can conduct in few scenarios such as different pH reading will be taken when adding
substances into the water or the water level changes can be detecting via the sensors.
Meanwhile, the method used to access the system is using remot3.it platform as it will
provide a connection between the device and system. Thus, VNC (Virtual Network
Computing) viewer will do the work to show the system interface. Lastly, the expected
outcome for this project is the device able to show reading of the water and trigger the
alert message to students. Plus, the system able to generate the report for future
analysis and estimation for the UMS hostel’s staff.