Smart-Hadir - Mobile based Attendance Management System

Show simple item record Chin, Kim On Chung, Seng Keau Mohd Hanafi, Ahmad Hijazi 2021-09-08T15:44:59Z 2021-09-08T15:44:59Z 2021-08
dc.description.abstract Manual time and attendance systems are still being practiced within a con-siderable number of universities, colleges, government departments and companies. This traditional system requires the user to fill in their time-sheets or sign on the attendance sheet manually. The practice inefficient and ineffective for university’s student attendance recording due to, i) lecturer may lose the attendance sheet, ii) student may sign for their friends, iii) stu-dent may forget to sign on the attendance sheet, and iv) challenging to mon-itor attendance rate and analysis. As a result, conventional attendance track-ing methods must be replaced with more reliable ones. The attendance rate is important because students can focus and score better results if they at-tend classes consistently. As such, a mobile app, namely Smart-Hadir, is de-signed to overcome problems as mentioned above. Smart-Hadir is a smartphone application developed by UMS aimed to record student attend-ance digitally during a class session. The technology used is slightly different from the existing applications, where Smart-Hadir is not using RFID tech-nology but rather covers NFC, QR code, and beacon technologies. Attend-ance could be taken either using NFC or QR code displayed on the wall us-ing a projector or scan the available beacon. Lecturers can create class ses-sion using the Smart-Hadir anywhere and anytime. Students are then re-quired to take their attendance either scan the QR code, search the beacon, or swiped their student card on the lecturer’s phone. The students’ attend-ance will be immediately captured and saved into the database. Lecturers will be able to view the statistic report, identify and e-mail absentees, as well as monitor students’ attendance behaviour. A statistical report can be gener-ated. It shows the percentages of students’ attendance rate, absent rate, and status. The Smart-Hadir is advantageous as it can be used to capture meeting or event attendance record as well. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher YouTube Channel en_US
dc.subject Attendance Management System en_US
dc.subject Attendance Records en_US
dc.subject NFC en_US
dc.subject QR Code en_US
dc.subject beacon en_US
dc.subject Smart-Hadir App en_US
dc.subject Mobile App Development en_US
dc.title Smart-Hadir - Mobile based Attendance Management System en_US
dc.type Video en_US
dc.resources.url en_US

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