The idea to propose a Smart Bottle Recycler is to aid the number of plastic waste, typically plastic bottle concerns in the society. This project is to mainly create a Smart Bottle Recycler that can accepts plastic bottles, then with the help of Internet-of-Things (IoT), it will integrate with a reward system webpage that manages the user’s rewards. This Smart Bottle Recycler will be using IoT materials such as an Arduino microcontroller and sensors such as ultrasonic sensor, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), and LCD display and a reward system webpage that displays the rewards of the user. The objective of this project is to develop and implement the smart bottle recycler
prototype model of the system using Arduino. This will be achieved through the phases in prototype methodology. For the input, the recycler can accept 500 ml clear plastic bottle that can be detected using the LDR sensor with the reflective index reading of 500 lx. The output for the user after recycling plastic bottles are reward points that are stored in the system after scanning the barcode of the plastic bottle. Using the total points, users can claim their rewards from the system and store them in their account. The developed system was tested with 15 respondents and obtained a 78.83 System Usability Scale (SUS) Score. After testing the system, the results show that the recycler can successfully accept plastic bottles and the webpage system can be used to collect points and accept rewards.