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E-Poster: Recent submissions

  • Abdullah Lutfi Bin Ismail (2024)
    This is a poster that summarised and briefly introduce Hymenoptera family, the pathogenesis of its venom in human body and its management.
  • mohd kamal, datu agasi (2024-09-21)
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the leading cause of anovulatory infertility. It is a combination of reproductive, endocrine, and metabolic diseases. Kelulut honey is stingless bee honey reported in many studies to ...
  • Jin Yi, Yap (2024-10-25)
    NMOSD is an inflammatory, antibody-mediated, immunological disease of the central nervous system that causes demyelination of the optic nerve and the spinal cord. It is commonly associated with Serum Anti-Aquaporin 4 ...
  • Jin Yi, Yap (2024-10-25)
    Purtscher-like retinopathy is a rare vaso-occlusive retinopathy associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We present a case of unilateral Purtscher-like retinopathy in an SLE patient. A 27-year-old female with ...
  • Shee Wen, Chua; Fong Mui HA, Stephanie Evelyn; Ab Ghani, Shuaibah; Mohamad Isa, Mohamad Israk (World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2024-07)
    Abstract We report a case of vertical rotatory nystagmus in a patient with bilateral absence of inferior rectus muscle. A 5-year-old female patient presented to Ophthalmology outpatient clinic with both eyes noted by ...
  • Shee Wen, Chua; Fong Mui HA, Stephanie Evelyn; Mohamad Isa, Mohamad Israk (World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2024-07)
    Abstract We report a case of recurrent preseptal cellulitis in a patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). An 11-year-old female patient who was ongoing chemotherapy for ALL was referred due to left lower lid ...
  • Che Noh, Che Ismail; Rahman, Mohd Shamsur; Mohd Sani, Mohd Hijaz (2024-09-24)
    Hepatitis C virus (HCV), part of the Hepacivirus genus in the Flaviviridae family, has a 9.6 kb positivestrand RNA genome that includes an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) and various nonstructural proteins critical for ...
  • Rahman, Md Shamsur; Palasuberniam, Praneetha; Che Noh, Che Ismail; Mohd Sani, Mohd.Hijaz (2024-09-23)
    Pharmacokinetics, sometimes described as what the body does to the drug or how the drugs are handled by the body. The parameters of pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion) for various ...
  • Rahman, Md Shamsur; Che Noh, Che Ismail; Mohd Sani, Mohd Hijaz; Wan Saudi, Wan Salman; Kadir, Fairrul (2024-09-23)
    Patients have been using drugs for a long time to cure or control diseases and symptoms. Drugs can do good or can do harm to the users. Indiscriminate use of drugs also can endanger patient’s lives. Drug therapy therefore ...
  • Che Noh, Che Ismail; Wan Saudi, Wan Salman; Rahman, Mohd Shamsur; Mohd Sani, Mohd Hijaz (2024-09-23)
    Medical students need to learn an immense amount of medical science knowledge. Most of the students use mnemonic as a learning tool that aids the original information to become something more memorable, allowing the brain ...
  • Wynn, Aye Aye; Thein, Tin Tin; S Abdullah, Siti Zaleha; Azizan, Nornazirah; Abd Rani, Norhaizura; Amit, Lia Natasha (2024-06)
    Thyroid gland pathology comprises of benign hyperplastic conditions and tumours
  • Wynn, Aye Aye; Thein, Tin Tin; Azizan, Nornazirah; Amit, Lia Natasha; S Abdullah, Siti Zaleha (FPSK UMS, 2024-09-01)
    Students’ attention is the most important to enhance their ability to concentrate and focus on the important information being given by teachers. Educators use different strategies to get students’ attention based on the ...
  • Shee Wen, Chua; Israk, Mohammad Isa; Shuaibah, Abdul Ghani (2023-09)
    Introduction: Cross-fixation with large-angle esotropia, known as Ciancia syndrome. This occurs during the first six months of life and associated with tight medial rectus muscle, and constant inward eye turn. Case: ...
  • Wong Leong Wei, Timothy; Jaafar, Rohaizam (2023)
    Spontaneous hematoma secondary to thyroid nodule is a rare occurrence. Hematoma usually tends to be secondary to blunt cervical trauma, post fine needle aspiration for cytology (FNAC) and usage of anticoagulants such as ...
  • Wong Leong Wei, Timothy; Min Han, Kong (2023-06-25)
    Neurofibromatosis type 1 is an autosomal dominant multisystem genetic disorder characterized by cutaneous signs such as skin neurofibromas and café au lait spots. Benign neurofibroma of the parapharyngeal space may occur ...
  • Yap, Jin Yi (2023)
    We report case of a young gentleman who presented with bilateral lower limb weakness and associated with bilateral ophthalmoplegia and reduced optic nerve function. His anti-GQ1b antibody was found to be positive, hence, ...
  • Yap, Jin Yi (2023)
    We report a case of right cerebellopontine (CP) angle tumor presented with bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO).A healthy 31-years-old lady presented with two-months history of right sided body weakness associated ...
  • Jin Yi, Yap (2023)
    We report a case of ocular parasitic infestation involving anterior chamber and bilateral retina in a patient who enjoys consuming raw fish regularly. A healthy 62-year-old gentleman, presented with sudden onset of right ...
  • Chin, CIndy (2019)
    artery(SMA) with its tributaries cross anteriorly to SMA in clockwise direction. Clockwise whirlpool sign is highly specific and sensitive in representing malrotation/volvulus. As opposed to this, counterclockwise rotation ...
  • Che Noh, Che Ismail (2021)
    Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the major causes of liver cirrhosis and carcinoma. Intravenous drug usage remains one of the major risk factors for HCV transmission, and the issue continues ...

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