The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed annually on 26 June, this year, located in East part of Malaysia, Sabah, PEMADAM AND FPSK had organized holistic youth program on drug prevention program aka SABAH TEENS SAY NO TO SUBSTANCE PROGRAM (SUSTAINS 2024) to reflect not only to celebrate world drug day, but also aims for long term plan to show our serious commitment to protect adolescent from substance use forever
In Malaysia, 3 out 4 adolescents use drugs and 1 in 5 of them taking alcohol and most of drug program among youth were one off and no actions made after the program
In May 2024, local commitee (volunteers, school teachers, academcian and NGO) was set up to establish specific long term action plan to prevent youth drug use locally. Commitee had decide to launch school youth society on drug prevention also known as ADAMS (Adolescent Against Drugs Society) during SUSTAINS 2024) in conjunction with World drug day on 26 Jun 2024
1.Public speaking on drug awareness
among adolescent
2.Smart sharing with drug expert and
3.Small group discussion under selected
counselors guidance
4.Delivering of drug pamphlets / handout to surrounding teens
5. Recitation of pledge against drugs
1.Training of trainers to enhance knowledge and skills about drugs among teenagers
2.Outreach activities youth to youth focused
3.Provision of website to spread the knowledge
4.To develop book on youth and drugs
5.Annual youth drug parade during international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking
6.To organize drug conference for youth next year
The celebration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse 2024 was successfully organized through SABAH TEENS SAY NO TO SUBSTANCE PROGRAM (SUSTAINS 2024). After the program, we had reached a meaningful consensus with six long-term plans to protect our youth from drugs through the establishment of a youth society against drug abuse.