Everything changed within a blink of an eye. Our previous practices have become the old norm. Everything needs a new way of execution. Perhaps this time we should discuss what is the most appropriate model for clinical teaching in the midst of this pandemic. Today we are in the first quarter of the 21st century we are rocked by a devastating Pandemic Covid -The challenge in our Clinical Teaching and Practices are getting worse worldwide affecting this profession .
More than two decades we have been talking about our endless challenging issues in our profession ie: Clinical Teaching and Clinical Practices. Today we are in the first quarter of the 21st century we are rocked by a devastating Pandemic Covid -19. The challenge in our Clinical Teaching and Practices are getting worse worldwide affecting this profession .
We know students learn best in a positive, supportive and real learning environment The real environment is totally different sensation from classroom or online teaching. Now students are not able to get the opportunity to care for "real" patients and families and transfer what was learned in simulation and class in relation to patient care.
Is there a strategy that can be done for students to acquire the necessary competencies as a student and nurse in the future- particularly during this Corvid 19 disaster.
This article describes how the Department of Nursing gained inspiration to address the issues.