Youth Preferences in Work Arrangement and Future HR Competencies

Show simple item record Lee, Andy, Chen Hiung 2023-11-13T09:08:38Z 2023-11-13T09:08:38Z 2023-11-13
dc.description.abstract In a survey with 121 respondents, participants were asked about their preference for work arrangements, specifically between long-term and short-term assignments. The results show that 61 respondents (approximately 50.4% of the total) preferred long-term assignments, 59 respondents (approximately 48.8% of the total) favored short-term assignments, and one respondent did not provide a response. This data suggests a nearly equal split between those who prefer long-term and short-term work arrangements, with only a small proportion declining to answer the question. These ratings suggest that the majority of respondents agree or strongly agree with the importance of these competencies in future HR roles. Ethics and data privacy, negotiation skills, and inter-departmental collaboration received particularly high ratings, indicating their significance in the field of HR. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship SDK0282-2020, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher UMS OER en_US
dc.subject Youth Preferences, Work Arrangement, Future HR Competencies en_US
dc.title Youth Preferences in Work Arrangement and Future HR Competencies en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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