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  • Janin, Yuzainy; Madli, Faerozh (2010)
    A guide for students who undertook the subject BT22103 Business Information System / Management Information System - one of the core subjects of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy. Website development is ...
  • Che Shaari, Sharija; Amirul, Sharifah Rahama (2020)
    The nature of work has changed and evolved to be in tandem with the societies' advancement. Many business organisations, especially in the developed countries, have taken up the work-life balance (WLB) which can be realised ...
  • Lim, Beatrice; Pazim, Khairul Hanim; Abdullah, Borhan; Mahmud, Roslinah; Boroh, Rostika Petrus (Human Resource Economics Program, 2021-06-30)
    A collection of photos from International Seminar on Human Resource Economics 2021 (ISHRE2021) held on 30 June 2021. ISHRE2021 was organized by the Human Resource Economics Program, Faculty of Business, Economics and ...
  • Mansur, Kassim; Pazim, Khairul Hanim (2021-07-01)
    The COVID-19 has shook all organizations significantly, creating a complex and hard environment for any organization. Workers are generally concerned about their jobs during a pandemic. As a result, it is critical that ...
  • Pazim, Khairul Hanim; Lim, Beatrice (2022-07-15)
    This collection of mind maps on the factors affecting labour participation among women is one of the class activities in BH33103 Introduction to Human Resource Economics done in Semester II, 2021/22
  • Pazim, Khairul Hanim (2022-07-15)
    The mind maps were created by students from BH31303 Applied Human Resource Economics as part of their class activity.
  • Pengiran Bagul, Awangku Hassanal Bahar; Abdul Karim, Mohd Rahimie; Lada, Suddin; Awang Razli, Izyanti; Petrus Boroh, Rostika; Abdullah, Borhan; Abdul Halim, Muhammad Adzham Fathy; Hong Loong, Ang; Andi Kele, Andi Tamsang; Thomas, Bibianah; Mohtar, Tini Maizura; Pinjaman, Saizal; Dousin, Oscar; Lee Chen Hiun, Andy; Abu Bakar, Mohd Allif Anwar; Jonut, Christiana; Datu Datuk Eranza, Datu Razali; Saikim, Fiffy Hanisdah; U. Alcaide, Marge; Umezawa, Hirohito; Yaakop, Azizul Yadi; Mohd Noor, Khairunneezam; Abd Halim, Norhazliza; Hao, Liu; Chiong, Jonathan; Justine, Jainurin (2022-09-28)
    This book is a collection of abstracts and slides from the Sustainability Seminar 2022 with the theme Accelerating Sustainability in Research. This is the eighth year of the seminar, where the first one was organised in ...
  • Nor Azma, Rahlin; Rudy, Ansar (Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 2023-04-01)
    This edited book consists of 13 interesting topics focusing on the related topic pertaining to cleanliness in the context of international business. The contents are based on literature review studies conducted on cleanliness ...
  • Rahlin, Nor Azma (OER, UMS, 2023-04-01)
  • Rahlin, Nor Azma (OER, UMS, 2023-04-01)
  • Rahlin, Nor Azma (OER, UMS, 2023-04-01)
  • DASAN, JAKARIA (Syahida Hassan Enterprise, 2023-04-01)
    Antologi Puisi ini adalah tentang penularasan wabak koronavirus atau dikenali dengan nama COVID-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia pada tahun 2019. Penularan wabak itu bukan sahaja meragut nyawa, malahan merobek emosi dan mental ...
  • Nor Azma, Rahlin (OER, UMS, 2023-09-12)
  • Abd Rahim, Dayangku Aslinah; Samsu, Siti Hajar; Mahmud, Roslinah; Fui Yee Beatrice, Lim; Pazim, Khairul Hanim (2023-11)
    The 4th International Conference on Economics (ICE2023) had been held in Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah on 29th to 30th November 2023. This conference was co-organized by Centre for Economic Development ...
  • ABDULLAH, AHMAD SHAKANI (Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy, 2023-11-06)
    Our coffee table book, "Hospitality Ratatouille," presents a vibrant and captivating visual exhibition that celebrates the dynamic world of hoteliers. Inspired by the culinary masterpiece "Ratatouille," we aim to showcase ...
    Pembangunan negeri Sabah telah pun menunjukkan tandatanda positif apabila ekonominya berkembang maju pada pasca COVID-19. Hal ini berlaku disebabkan pentadbiran negeri ini berlangsung dengan baik walaupun pernah menyaksikan ...
  • Pengiran Bagul, Awangku Hassanal Bahar; Andi Kele, Andi Tamsang; Lee, Andy Chen Hiung; Abdullah, Borhan Sareya; Chew, Tze Cheng @ Nur Alesha; Datuk Datu Eranza, Datu Razali; Awang Razli, Izyanti; Abu Bakar, Mohd. Allif Anwar; Dousin, Oscar; Ansar, Rudy; Pinjaman, Saizal; Mohtar, Tini Maizura (2024)
  • Unknown author (The Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2024)
    The UMS-SPRINT: ESG module was developed to support the University Malaysia Sabah's goal of implementing the ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) concept in the teaching and learning of the Credited Curriculum Course ...
  • DASAN, JAKARIA (Persatuan Promosi Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari, 2024-05)
    Integrated Innovative Model in enhancing the sustainability of entrepreneurship Initiatives in Sabah is introduced as a tool to eradicate poverty. Some approaches were identified to not being understood well by the ...
  • Pazim, Khairul Hanim; Abdul Rahman, Mohd Khairul Ikhwan; Saripuddin, Nordin; Yahya, Hairul; Yunus, Nur Farrahin; Asri, Nor Asmahanim; Pazar Rahman, Fadzlan; Azaman, Azra Zafirah (2024-12-14)
    Pengalaman pelajar BH31303 (PLUMS) menjalani aktiviti SULAM di Samporna

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